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Eva's classes and courses are organized by herself. Multiple cards are therefore not valid for these classes. Please book the classes with Eva herself.

Booking by email



Selbständige Dipl. Sozialpädagogin (FH) – Yogalehrerin (500 h+)

Eva Rubein

Ruby red - yoga and wild herbs

Self-employed qualified social worker (FH) - yoga teacher (500 h+) - certified medicinal and wild herbalist according to Addington

“The light that Yoga sheds on life is something special. It is transformative. It doesn't just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.”

B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga can be so much more than just movement: joy, devotion, unity. A journey to yourself, a process of inner growth and contemplation. An affirmative attitude towards life. It's about recognizing your own potential and cultivating mindfulness and joy in life.


Yoga has accompanied and enriched my life for over 20 years, privately and since 2008 also professionally. My yoga style combines different yoga styles, e.g. strengthening exercises from Anusara Yoga, flowing units from Vinyasa Yoga, regenerative elements from Yin Yoga and very classic asanas from Hatha Yoga. When teaching, it is very important to me to respond sensitively to the needs of the participants while passing on the joy of yoga. I always focus on the anatomically correct alignment in the individual positions. Breathing exercises, impulses from yoga philosophy and various relaxation techniques round off my lessons. Because yoga is so much more than just exercise!


My yoga courses are certified as preventive courses by all statutory health insurance companies.

Refund of the course fee up to 100% for the following courses:

  • Yoga during pregnancy

  • Mom baby yoga

  • Hatha yoga

  • Yoga on the chair and in the wheelchair (I also offer further training here)


You can find further information about health insurance reimbursement for the respective course in the booking system.


My subsidized yoga classes at the Crazy Ganesha Yoga Studio:

  • Mama Baby Yoga/Postpartum Yoga: Tue, 9:30 a.m

  • Yoga during pregnancy: Tuesday, 10:45 a.m


Please register at:


For questions: 0178/1481792 (Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)


Further information about me and my offers:

(Homepage is currently under construction)


Looking forward to seeing you and your (belly) dwarf!


My training and further education in the area of yoga and wild herbs:

2008: Senior yoga instructor (BYVG), Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg (168 UE) 2017: Yoga teacher,

            Sunsalute Yoga Studio (500 UE)

2018: Prenatal yoga teacher/pregnancy yoga teacher, Hai Nyguen (Yoga Alliance, 20 UE)

2019: Postnatal yoga teacher/Mama Baby Yoga, Hai Nyguen (Yoga Alliance, 20 UE)

2019: Yoga for the pelvic floor, K. Leidenberger

2019: Yoga and breathing techniques for fear and anxiety, Max Strom

2020: Children's yoga training, Sunlight Kids Yoga

2020: Mindfulness trainer (BYVG), Yoga Vidya (60 UE)

2020: Yoga and individual lessons: Focus on therapeutic yoga, Beate Meyer (Yoga Alliance, 25 UE)

2021: Mindful parenting with self-compassion/Mindful compassionate parenting, Jörg Mangold

2021: Outdoor fitness trainer with yoga elements, also for pregnant women ("GanzSchönSchwanger") and for mothers

           Stroller (“RunMamaRun”)

2021: Yoga and Anatomy, Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg

2022: certified medicinal and wild herb expert according to Addington, training in phytotherapy at the Communication Center for

           Herbalists worldwide

2022: Yoga and Trauma, Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg

2023: Pedagogical children's yoga training, Sandra Walkenhorst

2024: Trauma-sensitive yoga, Benediktushof (in further training)

Mindful and happy with Crazy Ganesha Yoga

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