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Fancy a long feel-good weekend of a special kind? Experience soothing yoga, hikes in the midst of breathtaking nature, relaxed wellness and exuberant moments of pleasure. Dive into the magic of the mountains and do something good for yourself, your body and your soul.

Come on this"MAGIC MOUNTAIN RETREAT" from 08.-11. June 2023in charming Leogang in Austria.

ThatMAGIC MOUNTAIN RETREATwelcomes you. Experience...

...dynamic and gentle yoga flows that bring you fully into your body, strengthen and strengthen you from the inside out and at the same time 136bad5cf58d_ more relaxed and flexible. and guided meditations that let you switch off completely and bring you back into balance.

...hiking excursions in the beautiful Leoganger Steinberge, where you can fully connect with nature and with yourself.


...wellness in the sauna, with a book on the roof top or a drink in the Mountains Peak Lounge.


...a very special hotel "where urban spirit meets the alps" - the perfect feel-good mix of tradition and urban style.


...fresh, creative and enjoyable cuisine.


…a sociable time with a group of open-minded, warm-hearted people.

...exclusive time all to yourself.



Whenspecial goodiedo you have the opportunity toprofessional life coachingwith our certified coach Heidi. Coaching can support you in finding your way back “into your flow” from a deadlocked situation, it can show you new perspectives, bring you back into your strength and initiate lasting changes in your life, no matter where you are at the moment. Are you ready for the next step?           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_       

Then take the opportunity and get your extra dose of clarity, inspiration and motivation.


The MAGIC MOUNTAIN RETRAT is suitable for you if… feel like an exclusive break and just want to let your soul dangle again. want to recharge your batteries to start the summer in a balanced, positive and energetic way. want to get out of your head and into your body and heart. want to expand and deepen your yoga and meditation practice. want to treat yourself to special moments of pleasure, nature experiences and relaxation. want to spend an extraordinary time with yourself and great people.



What's waiting for you…


  • 7.5 hours Yoga (Vinyasa Flow, Restorative Yoga)

  • 2 hours of meditation (active, silent and guided meditations)

  • 7.5 hours hiking (optional)

  • 2 experienced yoga teachers

  • The possibility of professional life coaching

  • An extraordinary hotel with a mountain panorama and wellness facilities

  • Delicious, regional gourmet cuisine

  • A long weekend full of exercise, relaxation, community and enjoyment



Thursday 08 June 2023

from 15:00         Arrival & Check In

17:00 – 18:30    WELCOME FLOW – FEEL GOOD & UNWIND

19:00 Uhr           Finest Burger @ Mama Thresl & Drinks

Friday 09 June 2023

8:00 – 9:00          MEDITATION (Heidi) MEDITATION  

9:30 – 11:00          Rich breakfast buffet


14:00 – 17:30        Summit excursion (optional)

18:00 – 19:00      RESORATIVE YOGA – RELAX & RELEASE (Heidi)

19:45                       Dinner@Huwi`s Alm

Saturday 10 June 2023

8:00 – 9:00                MEDITATION (Hai) MEDITATION (Hai) 

9:30 – 11:00                Rich breakfast buffet

11:30 – 13:30               OUTDOOR MOUNTAIN VIEW YOGA – BALANCE & BREATH (Heidi)

14:00 – 18:00            Guided hiking tour (optional)

19:00 – 21:00            BBQ@Mama Thresl

21:00 Uhr – 0.30      Live DJ Clubbing @ Island Bar Mama Thresl (optional)

Sunday 11 June 2023

7:30 – 11:00               Rich breakfast buffet & check out

11:30 -13:30               GOODBYE FLOW – MOUNTAIN BLISS (Heidi & Hai)

from 13:30                  Completion & Departure





In the beautiful Salzburger Land, the MamaThresl welcomes us according to the motto "where urban soul meets the alps". Warm, cheeky and never deadly serious. A domicile for active guests who love mountains and nature just as much as spending time with friends. Those who find it exciting when local craftsmanship meets natural materials in a modern setting.



Magic Mountain Retreat Package*                Early Bird Offer**                           Regular Offer

Doppelzimmer                                                                           770 EUR pP                                        829 EUR p.p

Einzelzimmer                                                                            980 EUR pP                                     1,039 EUR pp



Included: 3 nights in a woodenstyle room (plus), half board, yoga & meditation program, hiking offer,    Shuttle to Huwi's Alm & return, Saalfelden Leongang Card.

Exclusive: local tax (EUR 2 per person and night), use of Panoramic Heat (one-off EUR 10)


**Early Bird Offer valid up to and including January 31, 2023




Individual life coaching(50 minutes, retreat special) 99 euros

Register directly with phone: 0177 6244231



Please register and book directly with the hotel:


Per email

By phone to: +43 6583/20 800

Keyword: "Yogaretreat Heidi & Hai"


If you have any questions about the retreat, please feel free to contact us:

Heidi Glenk: email: phone: 0177 6244231

Hai Nguyen: email: phone: 0911 98614404






The current cancellation conditions of Mama Thresl apply.






Hai & Heidi

Mindful and happy with Crazy Ganesha Yoga

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